20+ Crafts Around The World

Are you looking for fun crafts that teach your kids about the world around them? Here is a list of 25+ crafts from around the world perfect for a fun day with the kids!

My boys are masters of creating mess and mischief. In fact, most days I look around my house and wonder how in the world they were able to make such a big mess in such a little amount of time.A question asked by moms around the world!Rather than try to keep them clean and tidy... okay rather than stress myself out over the impossibility of such a thing I've learned to get creative. In the summertime, I let them go wild outside with a hose and finger paint and during the winter time we bake together!I know it sounds silly, but embracing the mess is much harder than I expected. Life is just so much messier with kids but the expectations of having a neat and tidy house are still there. They still creep up my arm every time the boys spill curry on their chairs during dinner or the bathroom floor turns into a pool of water.I've had to learn to focus on the adventure sometimes.Sometimes, the memories they're making by turning the bathtub into a pirate ship is worth mopping the floor afterward.So this year, we're looking for more crafts to do during the week. It helps channel a bit of their wild energy! Not to mention, I love seeing what they're able to create with their imagination and some paper.I've shared fun activities to do during the winter time and now it's time to find some crafts that teach us about the world! Take the kids on an adventure every time they sit down to do a craft!

20+ Crafts From Around The World

Here are a few of our favorite crafts we've found so far! They're all easy to put together and the instructions are perfect for mommas like me that need a little help with creativity!1. Painted Stick Craft From Two-Daloo2. Day Of The Dead Skulls From Happy Thought3. DIY Diya From Little Passports4. Totem Pole From Art And Go5 .Eskimo Craft From Mrs Kilburn Kiddos6. Bagpipes  From Crayola7. India Flag From Artsy Craftsy Mom8. African Drums From Erin Shakespear9. Hieroglyph Bags From Pioneer Woman10. Swedish Horse From The Educator's Spin On It11. Weaving Loom From Hello Wonderful12. Mandalas From Artful Parent13. Dreamcatchers From Cutting and Sticking14. African Collar Necklace From Education15. Passports  From Free Homeschool Deals16. Hamsa Craft From Kid World Citizen17. Henna Hands Craft From Kid World Citizen18. Flag Wreath From Meaningful Mama19. Russian Matryoshka Dolls From Mrs T's First Grade Class20. Paper Sack Piñata  From Scattered Thoughts Of A Crafty Mom21. Cherry Blossom Fans From Fun Crafts Kids22. Chinese Lanterns From Tips From A Typical Mom Blog23. Rangoli  From The Educators Spin On It24. Brazilian Rain Stick Made With Happy25. Dutch Windmill Craft From Grandparents Plus Did you like this post? Head over and see 50+ Activities For Kids To Do Inside when it's cold!


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