Samosa Hand Pies Recipe

Are you looking for a quick and simple snack? You're in the right place! These samosa hand pies are delicious and simple to make!

Samosa Hand Pies Recipe

The Perfect On The Go Snack

Over the last few years my day to day routine has become extremely chaotic. There are so many pieces to the puzzle throughout the day. I can't just pick up and go whenever I feel like it. Now, I have to plan out the whole day and decide on how many diapers I need, how many changes of clothes for the "uh-oh moments," and of course snacks.Snacks are one of the most important things... according to my three boys!If I don't bring a quick on the go snack, they end up "starving" and begging me to buy every snack they see.I'm sure those of you with kids in school, multiples like us, or working parents fully understand! The moment you pick them up they're hungry! They're looking to see what goodie you brought them.Or maybe you're trying to find a quick snack in between sports practices or ballet?Easy To Make Samosa Hand Pies

Simple Samosa Hand Pies

I've got you covered! I have the perfect on the go snack! You can whip up a delicious batch of Samosa Hand Pies! These little pockets of goodness are so easy to make and they're a fun twist on your every day meals.Our family is obsessed with samosas! They're traditionally served as an appetizer and look more like triangle pockets. It's also our go to appetizer every time we go out to an Indian restaurant with the kids! The only problem we ran into with traditional samosas is that they were a little tricky as an on the go snack.These little samosa hand pies are the perfect on the go meal! You can make them smaller like we did today or larger for a tasty lunch.The filling is what makes these little beauties so amazing. You can fill them up with meat and veggies or just veggies! Either way they're tasty!One of our favorite things to serve our Samosa Hand Pies with is cilantro chutney. YUM.Easy Samosa Hand Pies Recipe[amd-yrecipe-recipe:8]Cilantro Chutney Recipe

What's your favorite on the go snack?


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