Be A Better Mom By Doing Less

Be A Better Mom By Doing Less

Be A Better Mom By Doing Less

As a mother, we're asked to be the caretakers, boo-boo doctors, chef, counselor, comforter, snuggler, the most imaginative voice for their stories, and their cheerleader. The job of a mom is so much bigger than I ever realized. Most of the time it feels like we're being pulled in a million different directions at every possible moment.I want to be the best mom I can be for my kids, but I don't know if I can ever be the mom people tell me to be. The one that's always on time, makes all homemade snacks, keeps my kids off video games, schedules countless play dates, keeps a consistent schedule, never yells, and is always patient.In fact... I know I will never be that mother.I used to feel bad about it. I felt like I was doing my kids a disservice by not being everything for them. Then I heard something at church this week that completely changed my way of thinking of myself as a mother.

"Do less by doing more." -Derwin Grey

Now, what does it mean? Our pastor was talking about our need to be productive and accomplish more all the time. The problem is we want to do it all but instead, we burn ourselves out. In the end, we're not doing any of it well. We start keeping track of all the countless things on our plates rather than looking at how well we actually execute them.

This is why we can do more by actually doing less.

I can be a better mom by doing less for my kids. I can choose a few things to work my butt off on, rather than everything. My kids don't care if I do every single thing for them.In fact, they love me for who I am. Even if that means they're saddled with a mom that is always behind on laundry, yells when she shouldn't, lets them play more video games than they should, and survives on copious amounts of caffeine.None of that matters to them because I'm also the mom that apologizes when I do things wrong, would rather spend time with them than live in a perfect house, and do my best to raise them with all the love in my heart.Stop letting the world tell you to do more for your kids. Stop listening to the lies that you're only a good enough mom if you do a, b, and c.

You are a great mom. You are enough.

This week, think of three things you want to rock. Then let the rest go. I promise the world won't end because your dishes have piled up in the sink. You won't ever look back on your life and regret the laundry you had to wash a few times in a row because you forgot.You're going to look back at your life and be grateful that you didn't allow life's expectations of a perfect mom burn you out.Your kids don't want perfection, they want you.


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