Dinner Time Discussions With Kids
Dinner Time Discussions With Kids
As parents, it's always been important to my husband and I to eat dinner around the table. At first it was hard to get into the routine. My husband and I would eat on the go or while watching TV. Then we had kids and realized how important that quality time was.I love seeing how our dinner time conversations have changed over the years. At first it was just my husband and I talking to each other about our days or trying to make our kids laugh. Now that they are all a bit older, it's a whole different ball game.Our kids are hilarious even without trying to be.The things that come out of their mouths during dinner sometimes have my husband and I rolling laughing! See for yourself. Here are just a few of the small conversations we've had!
Things My Kids Say During Dinner
- Hey mom?
- Can I have water?
- Momma, can I marry you?
- Mommy, I'll never find a girl I'll love! I only love you!
- Dadda, he's breathing on me!
- Stop looking at me!
- What is this? It doesn't look like dinner.
- Can I be done?
- Mom?
- Why does he get to be done!
- Can I have water?
- Why do you get to make all the rules?
- Is God in my heart?
- No! God's in my tummy!
- Does that mean God's eating my dinner right now?
- Mom, I can't eat this because God says it's not his favorite...
- I'm eating more than you.
- Mom!
- This is too spicy.
- Did you know I'm more Indian than you momma.
- Dad, did you brush your teeth today?
- I have to feed Bella (our dog) some because she's so hungry.
- He's touching me!
- MOM!?
- Mom, can you read tonight's bed time story because daddy does weird voices...