Our Fall Family Bucket List
Our Fall Family Bucket List
The leaves are changing, the weather is getting colder, you can finally start your morning with a hot cup pumpkin spice latte... Which can only mean one thing.It's Fall!My favorite time of the year and it's just beginning! It also means my husband is home more! His work travel schedule ramps up during the summer, but starts to slow down during the fall and winter months. My boys and I have loved having him home more!Our Fall started out a bit rocky, but now we're filling it with as many fall festivities as we can!
Our Fall Family Adventure
It's only a few short weeks into Fall and we're already loving it!I asked my kids what they wanted to do this Fall and they quickly made up their lists. I thought I'd have to help them decide what they wanted to add to their Fall bucket lists, but they sat down at the table and drew it up all day!I loved seeing them so excited about Fall because it's been my favorite season since I was their age. Here are a few of the items on their lists!
Learn A New Sport
Football season has begun and my kids are now obsessed with it! As soon as my husband gets home from a trip, he's greeted with three little boys and a football. It doesn't matter what time it is, they all beg to go outside and throw it around!This is the first time I've noticed the two big kids actually interested in how to play. They're asking where to put their fingers and how to throw better. I love seeing the smile on my husband's face as he teaches them. He's so proud of them and loves being able to teach them.
Go On An Early Morning Walk
Early morning walks have always been a favorite in our house. It all changes when the weather gets cooler. We all grab our nature journals, a hot cup of hot cocoa or coffee for momma, and go on our early morning adventure.We live in a quiet little neighborhood so it's perfect for all of our stops along the way. The boys look for special rocks, sticks, and leaves as I take as many pictures of them as I can. I love seeing their little friendships bloom and change as they get older.My youngest is getting to a point where he wants to be just like his big brothers. He watches every move they make and tries to copy it all.
Make A New Halloween Treat
With three kids and a traveling husband, homemade snacks aren't always a top priority. All of that changed this year when my kids were the ones begging to make them!These little monster treats were so easy to make and required very little work for momma. All you need is white chocolate, a little coconut oil, and pretzels. Mix up your chocolate and oil then dip your pretzels. Voila. So simple. Then hand them over to your kids and let them go crazy.

Fall Family Bucket List
Here's the rest of our Fall bucket list! We've marked a few off our list, but have so many more to go! Join us for your very own Fall adventure.