The Stages Of Quarantine Life

A few months ago, none of of would have expected to be stuck at home in desperate search of toilet paper... None of us expected to have to put on masks when we hit our local grocery store or the level of boredom we'd all reach after weeks. at. home... But here we are.Let's take a moment and talk through the stages of quarantine to see just how far down the rabbit hole you've gone already!

Stages of Quarantine Life

Hopeful for a break.

Hopeful but anxiety is starting to creep in.

Wondering if you really will catch COVID-19 and covering yourself in disinfectant.


Learning a new hobby to try and keep out the boredom and anxiety.

Learning weird thing about your family because THEY'RE ALWAYS THERE.

Starting to hide from your family because you just need a freaking second to yourself.

Looking through pictures from BEFORE all this started while eating an entire bowl of ice cream.


Discovering TikTok and realizing you've still got it!

Realizing you have officially gained the COVID-19.

Longing for the days you could just walk down the aisles of Target shopping for crap you don't need.

You start questioning how you missed all the annoying traits your partner has for this long...

OR you realize the best way to cure boredom in quarantine is to... enjoy baby-making time...

You start planning future trips because YOU NEED TO GET OUT!

You wonder when the last time was that you got out of pajamas...

Your hidden talent for day drinking has officially been discovered.

You've officially started spying on your neighbors for entertainment.

You've officially let everything in the house go... Kids, house, husband. They can all fend for themselves.

You look in the mirror and no longer recognize yourself with your new chic quarantine style...

Which stage are you at?


To All My White Mom Friends


50 Indoor Kid's Crafts and Activities