Who Knew You Have To Weed Everyday
I love this because it gives me hope when I look outside at this....
My aunt and I had the brilliant thought to plant a vegetable garden this year. I loved the idea!I pictured myself in my kitchen, using homegrown vegetables in my curries.Going outside everyday, with my iced caramel macchiato, sprucing up my garden as I watched my little boys playing next to me.
Apparently I had no idea what taking care of a garden entailed nor did I picture my naughty, clingy children in my head.Ok. Ok. Let me give myself some credit. I did grow some things in my garden. To be specific...10 green bell peppers4 yellow onions2 heads of cabbage20 dwarfed carrotsA few bunches of herbs I couldn't recognizeThe credit for this
goes to these my aunt's chickens and my inability to go to my garden and weed everyday.Cuddos to you garden lovers. I don't know how you do it. I went out and weeded a few times while the kids napped, then I'd go inside and reward myself with a good book or coffee. Then I figured it would be good for a few weeks.Wrong. Just in case you are clueless like me, you have to weed everyday!!!