10 Ways To Keep Your Home Clean With Dogs

*This post is sponsored by The Libman Company but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.*How To Keep A House Clean With Dogs

As most of you heard from our fun little "adoption" story, we now have two dogs.

We are a huge pet loving family, so it's not a big surprise that we've adopted two over the years, even if I did it while my husband was away on a work trip one time...Oops.What can I say? When the kids and I saw an adorable two-pound puppy, I couldn't help but take the little princess home.My problem is now we have two large dogs to keep up with. I already have three little boys who have a passion for making messes. Now, I have five little mess makers to follow around.It's simple really.They all clean up after themselves. They never forget to tidy up. They love to keep things clea... Okay, I can't even get through that sentence. All of my boys and both dogs live to wreck my house. If anything they're a little team that follows each other around tracking dirt everywhere they go.Don't worry. I'm here to share all the tips we've learned over the years.How To Keep A House Clean With Dogs

10 Ways To Keep Your Home Clean With Dogs

1. Clean up the accidents correctly.

Even if you can't smell it, your pet does, and they will think it's the right spot to pee or poop. One of the best ways to clean it is to sprinkle baking soda over the area and spray it with vinegar. Let it dry completely and vacuum it up.

2. Keep your dog bowl and water bowl on a rubber mat.

Dogs are notorious for making a mess when eating and drinking. By placing their bowls on a rubber mat, it makes it harder to slide around.

3. Bathe your dogs frequently.

Bathing them frequently helps reduce their pet dander, shedding, and the dog smell we all "love." This helps a lot if your family deals with allergies.

4. Regular brushing.

If you have a dog that sheds, your best bet is regular brushing. Some dogs love being brushed, but most importantly it reduces the amount of dog hair in your home.How To Keep A House Clean With Dogs

5. Get The Right Supplies.

Buy a mop with a detachable head that you can wash. I use the Libman Freedom® Spray Mop. It's my favorite because you can fill up the canister with any cleaner you want and the mop head is detachable. After you're done cleaning with it, you can take it off and throw it in the washing machine.

6. Train your dogs to lay on one spot.

It could be a dog bed or even a blanket. Make sure you wash it regularly. It will reduce the dog smell in your home and helps them not to track any built up dirt around your home.

7. Clean your dog's paws when they come inside.

There is nothing worse than coming into your kitchen and seeing muddy dog paw prints everywhere. Wipe their paws with a wet towel or wet wipe when they come inside. It will help you avoid any messy surprises.

8. Vacuum weekly and use lint rollers.

Dog hair... It gets everywhere when you have dogs, especially if you have a long-haired dog. You can avoid leaving the house looking like you have a full layer of it on your pants with one simple chore. Vacuum daily and use a lint roller on your couch.

9. Clean up your dog's toys.

Buy toys for your dogs that can get washed. You could throw them in a sink with hot soapy water or in the washing machine for the extra dirty toys.

10. Get a cubby for all of your dog's items.

Organize your home by keeping all of your dog's toys, food, and leashes in one area of your home. Then you won't find yourself searching the house for it when you need it right away.

What do you need to do next?

Head over to your local store and buy the supplies you need today. The number one cleaning supply I have at home for my dogs is my Libman Freedom® Spray Mop. I love the fact that I can fill it up with any cleaner I want to use. I use different cleaners based on how dirty my floors are or what I'm cleaning up. The choices are endless!Not to mention, I love the ability I have to throw the green mop head straight into the washing machine after a messy day. It can hold up to at least 100 washes! I feel like it's always fresh and clean when I use it. The mop has a neck that can move around 360 degrees so you can get to the toughest spot in your house. It works great for our tile bathroom floors and even our kitchen hardwood floors!Head over to their site and find the closest retailer to you!

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The Almost Indian Wife December Instagram Challenge!

December Instagram Challenge | The Almost Indian WifeCan you guys believe that it's almost Christmas? This time of year always flies by for me. We have so many birthdays, holidays, and trips packed into November and December. I love it all! The holidays have always been huge in my family and I love that my kids are getting old enough to share it with them! This year we're going to make homemade ornaments, sip hot chocolate, and attempt to build gingerbread houses. 

December Instagram Challenge

I've been looking for something fun to do with all of you during the holiday season! I'd love to get to know all of you better and what better way than with an Instagram Challenge!? Whether you are a blogger or someone that loves Instagram, this challenge will be a great way to build your followers, meet other amazing people, and share how you're getting ready for the holidays!

December Instagram Challenge | The Almost Indian Wife

How To Join In The Challenge

Step One

Follow me on Instagram, so you can see how I follow each prompt! I'll also be reposting some of your pictures from the challenge each day! 

Step Two

I've provided a prompt for each day. I'm excited to see how creative everyone will be with these. All you need to do is post a great picture inspired by the daily prompt. 

Step Three

Be sure to use the #aiwtribe. This hashtag will make it possible for everyone participating in the challenge to find you and for you to find everyone else! By using the hashtag, you will also be giving me permission to repost your picture on my Instagram page. 

Step Four

Meet new people! After you post your own picture, search the hashtag and comment on someone's photo! Who doesn't love meeting new people!This is also a HUGE step for fellow bloggers. This is how you will make connections with fellow bloggers and potential readers. 

Step Five

If you'd like some more exposure for your Instagram posts or would like to get to know some more fellow Instagramers, join my AIW Instagram Challenge group.snappa-1448155336 See how simple it is! I hope that all of you will join in starting December 1st! [tweetthis twitter_handles="@almstindianwife" display_mode="box"]I'm joining the #aiwtribe December Instagram Challenge! Join me! [/tweetthis]

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Family, Home, Marriage Family, Home, Marriage

How To Survive A Traveling Husband Or Busy Week

IMG_1110When I tell people what my husband does for a living, they look at me and my kids and give me a big hug! They’re always asking how I manage.They wonder how I’m still alive with three kids under four and a traveling husband. Well, it’s a little crazy around our house while he’s away. 
If we were a traditional Indian family, one of Joel’s relatives would have moved in with us to help. Indian families are extremely close and they always step in when they see a need. I’ve been very blessed to have a great family as well. Every time I’ve had a baby, our family members fly or drive to see us and help. I don’t think I could have made it past the first few days without them. 
The first few days of a new baby are full of sleep depravation, spit up, dirty diapers, crying, and the zombie walk. You know what I mean by the zombie walk. You can hardly function because you've only had a few hours of sleep, but you have to get up and take care of the baby so you walk around in a daze all day. My husband has always been a HUGE help at night. He pretty much does everything at night so all I have to do is nurse the first few months. 
Now that Lucas is a few months old, I’m getting more sleep and we’ve fallen into a routine while he’s away. If your husband travels or has busy work weeks, these are a few things that can help you and your family. 

Freezer Meals.

I spend a few days, before my husband leaves, making a handful of freezer meals. I usually make breakfast burritos, chicken or veggie burritos, pasta sauce with meat, naan, keema, and muffins. You can spend a day making everything and freezing it or you can make extra throughout the week and freeze your left overs.


This has been a new development. I’ve never liked schedules, but I’ve started to use them more and more with my kids. I have a family schedule we loosely stick to during the day. It helps the kids and I to know what to expect and also helps us be productive. Even if “productive” means we merely get dressed that day. It also helps me to have a purpose each day so we don’t fall into the daze while my husband is away. I also make sure to schedule in quiet time every day. My youngest two nap and my oldest will either nap or read books. Either way, I get time to myself each day.

Alone Time.

This is one I’m working on. I always get alone time while my kids nap, but I often find myself napping as well! A friend of mine gets a babysitter the same day each week. If her husband is home, they go on a date. If he’s gone, she goes out with friends or alone. It’s well worth the cost of a babysitter. We love our kids, but we also need time for ourselves. It helps us to stay sane and love them a little more.

What do you do to help your family or yourself on those crazy weeks? 

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Family, Home Family, Home

My Busy Bee

1003022_10153037451940084_534628239_nOne thing I've found challenging over the last eight months is keeping my two year old entertained. I had my little Levi back in January and it's been crazy ever since. I went back to working at my church (as the children's coordinator) one week later, started a blog, adjusted to having two boys, and tried to stay sane. Most of my first few months was spent on the couch, nursing Levi while Liam would come over asking me to play. It was much easier to pop on Curious George for him than trying to come up with anything else. Great mom... Pop my kid in front of the TV. It became easier and easier to do this, hence why he is addicted to that curious monkey. Do I regret doing this? Nope. It was an intense time adjusting to work, two boys, and finding time for my husband. I found something that worked for the time, but now I have found other ways to keep my little guy busy. Liam is such a smart little man. He is always busy, always talking about some extravagant story, loves crafts, loves his brother, is a mama's boy, and always wants to be doing something! Here are some of the things I either do with him or set him up to do while I make dinner, nurse his brother, or just want to have him do something fun. 1. Color We went to Target and purchased a dozen of the small dollar notepads for him.2. Play with play dough using mama's rolling pin, forks, spoons, cookie cutters, and straws. 3. Puzzles.4. Matching. I set him up at the table with three different colors of construction paper and a box of small items. Then he puts the items on the matching colored piece of paper.5. Painting. Embrace the mess! We use q-tips, paint brushes, fingers, elbows, noses, and baby brother's toes.6. Reading books.7. Science Experiments. The best and easiest is the baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring. Get a shallow container and dump in a box of baking soda. Get different cups with vinegar and add different colors of food coloring to each. Give your kiddo a dropper and have him drop the vinegar onto the baking soda. It fizzles and the kids love it!8. Story Time. Liam tells me stories about monsters and Curious George while I nurse. 9. Strip your kiddo down to their diaper and put them in the tub with some washable paint. Let them go crazy and then give them a bubble bath to clean it all up. 10. Mess free painting. 11. Cut up some straws and let your kiddo put them on a pipe cleaner. 12. Sensory box. Fill up a clear tub with dry rice and a few toys. Give your kiddos some "scoopers" and fun containers to play with the rice. 13. Coloring box. Let your kiddo color the inside and outside of an old box. The fun part is letting them sit inside while they color it! Liam calls it his tent.

14. When all else fails... sit on the couch while they play with their younger brothers toys. 


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Home Home

Who Knew You Have To Weed Everyday

imageI love this because it gives me hope when I look outside at this....IMG_1265My aunt and I had the brilliant thought to plant a vegetable garden this year. I loved the idea!I pictured myself in my kitchen, using homegrown vegetables in my curries.Going outside everyday, with my iced caramel macchiato, sprucing up my garden as I watched my little boys playing next to me.IMG_1285IMG_1278Apparently I had no idea what taking care of a garden entailed nor did I picture my naughty, clingy children in my head.Ok. Ok. Let me give myself some credit. I did grow some things in my garden. To be specific...10 green bell peppers4 yellow onions2 heads of cabbage20 dwarfed carrotsA few bunches of herbs I couldn't recognizeThe credit for thisIMG_1270goes to these my aunt's chickens and my inability to go to my garden and weed everyday.Cuddos to you garden lovers. I don't know how you do it. I went out and weeded a few times while the kids napped, then I'd go inside and reward myself with a good book or coffee. Then I figured it would be good for a few weeks.Wrong. Just in case you are clueless like me, you have to weed everyday!!!

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