The Wife You Become After Having Kids

The Wife You Become After You Have Kids
The hardest part about adding kids to a marriage is learning how to balance it all. You want to be a good wife, mother, friend, daughter and the list goes on and on. Whether you work in the home as a stay at home mom, or are employed outside your home,  you know that there are some aspects of being a wife that change after having kids. I’ve highlighted just a few:

The wife whose  fashion sense suffers.

I have always loved fashion and been a fashion junkie. I subscribed to beauty boxes, read fashion magazines & followed celebrity gossip just so I could see what everyone was wearing. After a few evenings of sleep deprivation and a C-section, the last thing on my mind was what I was wearing. When it was a concern again, I struggled to find things that fit my new body. Thankfully, I have a husband who encouraged me through the process until I felt like myself again. 

The wife who runs out of things to cook. 

Balancing motherhood and being a wife gets a little tricky at dinnertime, one of the busiest times of the day. If it didn’t go in the Crockpot the evening before, or you’re too tired to run to the store, dinner tends to be a hodgepodge of what’s available at home. Sometimes it’s a great experience, and other times…well…you’re just glad everyone was fed. Your husband gets annoyed by all the time you spend on Pinterest, until you make an amazing dinner inspired by one of the recipes you actually cooked!

 The wife who craves alone time. 

Everyone mom gets this one! Being a mom and wife is fantastic; the pros definitely outweigh the cons. However, having alone time is like setting a reset button. Dealing with the everyday rush, accidents, tantrums & routines can make any sane person crazy. There’s something about a little quiet time that makes you start thinking rationally again. 

The wife whose love language may change. 

Before having kids, my love languages were acts of service & quality time. Now that I’m a mom, I’m always thinking of my family when I’m going shopping, even if the trip is supposed to be for me. So it’s a nice feeling when my husband takes the time to buy me a gift, one that I’d like for myself, but am too busy buying for my family to purchase. 

The wife who forgets her purse. 

Can I tell you how many times I left my wallet in the diaper bag? Really, I’m ashamed to admit it. It doesn’t help that I drive 80 miles a day to work. Thankfully I’ve never done that on an empty tank of gas. Even the most type A, organized mom forgets her purse (or wallet) on occasion. 

The wife who chooses sleep over sex. 

It’s not that we don’t want to have sex, it’s just that if we get more sleep, we’ll feel like having sex. The more children we have=less sleep. It’s a vicious cycle. A date night every now and then usually helps the mood. 

The wife who goes above and beyond for her family. 

Despite the craziness of family life, you love every second of it. You put yourself last to make your family a priority. Hats off to you! 

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