How to care for biracial skin in the summer

How To Care For Biracial Skin This SummerAre you raising biracial children? Are you looking for ways to take care of biracial skin this summer? If so, I am here to help!All three of my boys have different skin types. One of my sons has what's considered "normal skin" and my other two kids have eczema. Even amongst the two with eczema, they vary in severity. It makes it tricky to find out what works best for all of them.I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find the best skin care products for my biracial kids. Below are a few things that have worked for all of them!

How To Care For Biracial Skin This Summer

Less is more (space out baths)

Having a son with eczema has taught me that less is more. I used to think I needed to give him a bath every day to help with his breakouts. Instead of helping, it was only making it worse.I went to our family doctor, and she told me that daily baths aren't the right move. During the summer, space out your kid's baths with soap.Chlorine in pools can be tough on kid's skin. When they're finished swimming, you can rinse them off and put lotion on right away instead of a bath.


Summer activities tend to dry out kid's skin very fast. Get in the routine of lathering them up with lotion every day. This can be after the pool and before bed or any other routine that works for your family.We've tried quite a few lotions for our kids. We use Eucerin every day for all three boys. It's great for all of their skin types and does a great job trapping in all of the moisture!We also have Cortizone Eczema for my oldest, who suffers from eczema. It does have a smallamount of steroids in it, so I try only to use it for breakouts. I'd rather not use steroids, but for anyone with a child who suffers from eczema knows, you do what you have to do.

Go natural where you can

In addition to all of the great lotions out there, you can also try natural remedies. If you're looking for a natural moisturizer, you can use coconut oil. I love using it because it makes my boys smell amazing!I love it because it's natural AND has antibacterial properties. Which means it's just as good for my kids with normal skin types as it is for my son with eczema! I love anything that works for all of them!How To Care For Biracial Skin This Summer


One of the biggest misconceptions is biracial kids don't need sunscreen... Whether your kids have a darker complexion or not, they still need sunscreen. It protects them from harmful UV rays while they're outside playing all summer.You can grab a sunscreen stick for their face and either the spray or lotion for the rest of their body. I love using the spray because it's way faster. Not to mention, it's easier to corral three boys and spray them than to wipe them all down one by one!


If your child is still dealing with skin issues after trying all of these tips, here are a few troubleshooting options.

Oatmeal Bath

If my son's skin gets too aggravated, I will blend up oatmeal to a fine powder. Then we sprinkle it into his bath. It's very mellow and soothing for skin.

Avoid Scented Soaps

When dealing with skin issues, it's best to avoid scented anything, especially soaps. Try to use unscented or even Johnson and Johnson's baby soap.


Oftentimes, diet can also be a source is skin irritation. Take a look at what your child is eating, and you can attempt to eliminate things like dairy for 30 days and see if it helps. Dairy was a trigger for my son.

Consult Your Family Doctor

The most important thing to do if your child is having skin issues is to consult their doctor. They may recommend the same things as above, or they may provide a stronger lotion/ointment.How do you care for your biracial child's skin all summer?

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Hacks To Save Money This Summer With The Kids

Hacks To Save Money This SummerWell, guys, we did it. Another school year and another start to a new summer. The feelings are everywhere. Some of us are super excited to be done with early morning, and others of us are terrified trying to figure out how we’re gonna make it through the whole summer.I’m here to help. I’m still new to the summer break game as my kids are pretty young. However, I’ve learned a few things over the last few years that have made my summers way better. Today I’m gonna tell you a few hacks our family uses to save money during the summer and still have a blast doing it.I’ll give you one hint to start out with… Keep it simple. I think as parents, we tend to over complicate things. We think we have to make up these big extravagant plans for the whole family to keep them busy during the summer. The thing is they just wanna have fun. They don’t care if you spent hundreds of dollars on some big vacation or take a day trip to your local beach.Think through one big thing to do with the kids, A handful of medium-sized things, and a ton of free things. Then you can take some time to think through what you’re going to do and when you’ll do it.You can do this. You can make it through an entire summer and save money, earning extra cool points with your kids because they’ll have a blast, and  you will be stress-free… OK, maybe not be stress-free, but it’s more stress-free than you were last summer.Hacks To Save Money This Summer

Get Water For The Kids

During the summer, this mama gets a little tired. I love to go out and grab an iced coffee on my way out to the park with the kids. The problem is everyone wants something as well. That could end up being about five bucks a kid. No thanks. Instead, I get the kids a grande water and have a little lemonade squeeze containers. All you need to do is put a couple squeezes into bigger water, and voilà, you have a minute. That right there saves me $15.Keep your freezer stocked: how many times do you have to hear from the kids, “I’m hungry. Can we stop for a snack?” Doesn’t matter if they just ate lunch or just snacking on tons of food, those kids are going to get hungry the second you leave the door. This is why I stock my freezer with sandwiches. On the way out the door at the kids just need to grab a sandwich on the go.About once or twice a week take an hour and whip up as many peanut butter and jelly or lunch meat and cheese sandwiches that you can. Put them each in a small sandwich baggie and pop it in the freezer. I like to keep mine on the top shelf of our freezer because my kids know right where to look for them.

Make a snack box

This one is very similar to freeze. Kids are constantly hungry and love to question you all day long on what they can have to eat. It ends up driving me completely bonkers. Instead of the guessing game, my kids know exactly what they could have for snacks each day.How do we do that?I have a box in my pantry full of snacks they can have. I even put one in my fridge. If my kids get hungry and want to snack, all they have to do is take a look in one of the snack boxes. You can have rules like two fridge snacks and one pantry snack a day or anything else that meets your fancy. I like to change things up every time I fill it up. My pantry snack box has things like crackers, granola bars, pre-popped popcorn, pretzels, or homemade trail mix. My fridge snack box has things like string cheese, applesauce, different kinds of fruit, and yogurt.

Meal plan

I know I know this one is always easier said than done. In fact, I am actually the worst of us. However, I will say every time I sit down and meal plan, I end up saving a ton of money. During the summer I even cheap By purchasing some pre-made meals like lasagna or pizzas. Another favorite of mine is to make two of every meal. When I make something for dinner, I’ll make enough for that night plus enough to freeze. I learned that from The blog fun cheap or free. Jordan page is fantastic at that, and I’ve been doing my best to do that on my own as well.Take your kids to the dollar movies: most towns have summer movies going on. They can range anywhere from 1 to 3 dollars and trust me they are worth it. Most of the movies are ones that have been out for a while, but the kids don’t care. They get to go out with their siblings and maybe even a few friends to see a movie in the theaters. Not to mention it’s a theater full of kids so nobody there expects them to be quiet. So I may have my oldest use it Siri wants to watch everything in the movie while my younger kids are talking to each other and giggling about the movie the whole time. Guess what… No one cares. Their kids are doing the exact same things.

Schedule play dates

Most of the time, your kids will be just as happy to go out somewhere crazy as they would be to have their friends over. You can have the kids over and put on a projector movie or take them to a local Splash Pad. Kids just like the change of routine, and they miss seeing their friends like they did in school all day. Ask your kids if you people that they want to see you during the summer and make it happen. You’ll gain extra cool points, and you even get some adult time with the mamas. Then you can talk about how your kids are driving you crazy over some coffee or sangria.

What are your summer money saving hacks?

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You Know You're Biracial When...

You Know You're Biracial When...As a mother of three biracial boys, I know they're going to experience some unique moments in their lives. There are going to be different times in their lives that only other people in a multiracial family can understand.

You're Used To Hearing Two Different Languages

You've grown accustomed to hearing two different languages all the time. Between your parents and your extended family members, people are always speaking a blend of different languages. So much so that you may not even notice it anymore.

You Find Yourself Constantly Explaining Your Ethnicity

One of the first things people ask you when you meet them is, "What are you?" It's not even a surprising question anymore. You know it's coming and then you have to figure out if you're going to be giving them the long answer or short answer. Are you going to try and explain your biracial heritage to them or are you going to do a short cut and pick one?

You Have To Convince People Your Parents Really Are Your Parents

When people see you walking down the street with your parents, they always assume you're not together. In their minds there's no way you could all be from one family. Then you have to try and convince them that they are indeed your parents.

You Never Know Which Box To Check On Forms

Standardized tests have always been a big pain. Now, you have the stress of figuring out which box to check when they ask you about your ethnicity. They're pushing you to choose a side and then you see both parents sitting on your shoulders, waiting to see which one you pick.

You're Expected To Be Bilingual

People are always assuming you speak both languages because you're biracial. While you probably understand a good portion of it, due to the constant scolding from your parents, speaking it is a whole different ball game. Some people even consider you "less than" because of this little fact and you just roll your eyes.

You're Feel Torn Between The Expectations From Both Cultures

Both cultures are telling you to behave a certain way and then you find yourself at the trivial fork in the road. Which culture do you listen to? It doesn't matter which one you pick because either way you end up with a family member in the background scolding you for your choices.

You Can Easily Spot Other Biracial People

You have this crazy radar where you can spot a biracial child or adult anywhere you go. They walk into a room and your spidey senses know they're there. You look around until you spot them and give them a little head nod in acknowledgement.

You Ate Fusion Food Before It Started Trending

Your home has always been full of fusion food. Mom will prepare a big dinner and then all the sides will be a jumble of both cultures in the house. Not to mention all the hot sauce!

You Always Get Looks When You Tell People Your Last Name

The second you tell people your last name, they immediately look at you sideways. "What kind of name is that?" Human. It's a human last name. I mean how are you supposed to answer that!?

You Know Some Of Your Family Members Still Give Your Parents The Stink Eye

Your parents broke the mold when they got together. While a lot of people had open minds and decided that love was enough, some people were stuck in the past. They looked at your parents relationship and saw something wrong. Even years later, you still find them giving you and your parents looks.

Fill in the blank. You Know You're Biracial When _______.....


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Family Family

Keeping Your Family Healthy All Winter

I'm excited to partner with Kiddie Academy because, like me, Kiddie Academy encourages making healthy choices at a young age, from providing nutritious meals to maintaining personal habits every day.Winter time has always been a family-wide favorite around the world. Why? Well, winter time means a long list of things to kids. It means snow in some areas, cozy fires, hot chocolate, Christmas break, presents, and you even get to see family members who come home for the holidays.What's not to love!?Well, I can think of one thing. What is one thing that always manages to sneak up behind you during the winter time? It doesn't matter how hard you hide; it still finds you some way or another.

Winter colds.

I didn't realize just how much something as simple as a winter cold could devastate an entire family until I became a mom. It starts as a little germ. Typically, kids find their germy little friend at school. They probably got him off of some snot-nosed kid on the bus, by playing with a car in their preschool class, or rubbing up on the gym mats during P.E. It doesn't matter how they meet Mr. Germ, the fact is it's inevitable.We all know how it goes after that. One kid catches a cold, and then they come home to "share" it with the rest of the family. When you have a big family like ours, it's complete chaos!One of my boys will catch it first, and it doesn't matter how much I try and bribe keep them in their room, they find their way to their siblings and then it spreads!Then we as parents always end up going down! We're the ones that rub their little noses, rock them to sleep, rub their backs, make them soup, and help them get through the yucky days. A sick parent is never fun. We do the best we can to rest, but it's all just a big joke. Instead, we attempt to sleep and then realize little Jimmy is making water balloons in the bathroom and Johnny is making a peanut butter and ketchup sandwich in the kitchen.The best you can hope for is that mom and dad catch a cold at different times. Everything hits the fan when mom and dad both get sick at the same time.If the kids realize you're both down, it's only a matter of time until they gang up on you and take over the house. They know this is their time to do what they want and they live it up! The best moment is when they take a break from their anarchy to bring you a cup of water or make you something yummy, so you feel better. Only to be resumed by an epic battle of pillow fights in their bedroom.So, what do you do?

Is there any way to avoid the winter cold or should we all give in and let it happen?

Winter time is one of the biggest times of the year that kids get sick. Those germs will be all over your children's school no matter what you do. However, one thing you can do is help boost your and your children's immune systems so they can fight those bad boys off.

How To Stay Healthy During The Winter Season

Here are some of our family's go-to tips to stay healthy during the winter. We have been following these for years, and it's made a huge impact on how often our kids get sick!

Stay Hydrated

Make sure you keep your family hydrated. You can do whatever you need to do to get your kids to drink water. Make it a race to see who can drink all eight cups by the end of the day. Or add a few pieces of fruit to sweeten it up. It will help get all the toxins out of your kid's bodies!

Wash Your Hands

Kids are constantly touching germ-ridden things all day long. Get them into the habit of washing their hands frequently throughout the day, especially before they eat a meal! Help your family keep as many germs out of their body as possible!

Add Healthy Spices To Your Food

This is one of my favorite ways to keep my family healthy! We love to add healthy spices to our food to boost their immune systems. A few things we like to add include turmeric, garlic, and chili powder. All three of these are great for your immune system, and they taste great in just about anything!

No Sharing

You spend countless days teaching your kids to share, but during the winter times...just say no! This is how 99.99999% of all bugs have been passed around our house! Make sure to watch your kids to prevent them from sharing food, cups, or water bottles. You can find them special little cups of their own, write their names on their cups, or whatever you have to do.

Stock Up

The time will come eventually when one of your family members gets sick. The best thing you can do is to be prepared. Stock up on all of the things you may need. I like to have cough drops, fever medicine, lemon juice for their tea (warm water and lemon), wipes for their nose, and tissues. If you're doing all of the things on this list, chances are their cold will be quick, but it's always important to be prepared for a middle of the night sick kiddo.

Golden Milk

Nothing can beat a nice warm glass of milk when you're having a hard time falling asleep as a child. Our family takes this up a notch by making our kids golden milk when they don't feel good. It's a yummy mixture of warm almond milk, turmeric, peppercorns, and ghee. My kids love it, and it's full of antioxidants to help your kids feel better!

Cut Down On Sugar

People forget how important gut health is to the rest of the body. If you or your children's guts aren't doing well, they won't be able to fight off illnesses and germs around them. Cut down on the sugary foods and fill up on healthier foods this season.

Teach Your Children To Listen To Their Body

As adults, we know how to listen to our bodies and do what it needs. This season, take time to help your children learn how to as well. If they're feeling sleepy during the day, remind them it's okay to rest a bit. Help them listen to the little things their body is telling them. It may be trying to warn them it's coming down with a bug and needs a little extra TLC.I'm so excited to be partnering with Kiddie Academy today and sharing all of our go-to healthy advice with all of you! Your family's health is important to them as well! To show you just how important it is, they are offering a giveaway for a Winter Wellness Survival Kit! I don't know about all of you, but I know I need one of these this winter! It has everything you need this season!The Survival Kit contains a super soft blanket, natural saline wipes for stuffy noses, tea sampler, honey, hand sanitizer, digital thermometer, sore throat pops, lip balm, mineral bath salts, and an Amazon gift card!

Enter the giveaway today!

The giveaway is open until January 28th. Then the winner will be announced on my Instagram and Facebook page!Good luck!Contest by Rewards Fuel.

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Our Multiethnic Family's Christmas Bucket List

Our Multiethnic Family's Christmas Bucket ListSince I was a little girl, Christmas has been my favorite holiday. The freshly fallen snow, cinnamon ornaments on the tree, Christmas music to drown out the Christmas Story movie, and snowmen all bring me to a very happy place. It reminds me of growing up and spending holidays with my family in Washington. I don't know what it is, but it just makes everything better.Now that my kids are getting older, they're beginning to get the Christmas fever like momma! They can't wait until we pull all the decorations out of storage and get our tree. They run around trying to find their favorite ornaments before their brothers so they can be the ones to put them up on the tree.My husband and I sit back and let them go wild. It doesn't matter that all of the ornaments are on one side of the tree and clustered together on the bottom. The look on their faces when they step back and admire their work makes our lopsided tree look like a magical piece of art.


If we're going, to be honest with each other, I put up the breakable ornaments as soon as they go to bed.My husband used to be a Grinch during the holidays. He ner4 understood why his wife became an eggnog drunk crazy person during December. He just sat back and watched.Not anymore!!!Something happened to him after we had kids. Our Christmas craze somehow rubbed off on him. Now, he's the one begging us to get our tree the day after Thanksgiving! I happily oblige and carefully convince him we need more decorations each year.

Every year around Christmas, our house looks like an elf puked Christmas cheer all over, and it couldn't make me happier.

The more our family has gotten into the holiday spirit, the more we try to cram in. We make a bit list of all the things we want to do and see how many we can check off our list.

Our Multiethnic Family's Christmas Bucket List

Here is our Christmas Bucket List this year!

Watch Christmas Movies.

I don't think anything beats a good Christmas movie with a glass of hot cocoa. My boys and I live for it!This year we want to watch the classics like Santa Clause, The Polar Express, The Christmas Story, Snow Day, and so many more! We search through all the new holiday movies on Netflix and watch them all!Then we get distracted and start watching Bollywood family movies. I know they aren't usually Christmas themed, but come on... They're amazing! My oldest son is now old enough to watch them and read the English subtitles. Needless to say, I'm about to have a Bollywood movie marathon with him!


Our Elf On The Shelf lives wherever I can discretely throw him. The end. My boys still think he's the best thing in the world. I secretly hope my kids lose interest in the eld so I can toss him, but I'm pretty sure they'll keep it going until they're old enough to dangle him from precarious spots on their own.IN FACT...

This should be the new family tradition! Hide the Elf from the parents.

Who's with me?!

Convince my husband to put up Christmas lights.

As many of you know, hanging up Christmas lights is a huge task. My husband will buy us a tree, help us decorate inside, and even watch a few Christmas movies, but Christmas lights...He put them up two years ago, and it took him all weekend. Then during the move to North Carolina, we left all 3 BOXES of lights in Chicago. Since then the simple mention of Christmas lights brings an odd twitch to his eye.This year I plan on convincing, bribing, tricking, or even threatening to get said lights up on the house.Wish me luck.Watch Christmas Movies. I don't think anything beats a good Christmas movie with a glass of hot cocoa. My boys and I live for it! This year we want to watch the classics like Santa Clause, The Polar Express, The Christmas Story, Snow Day, and so many more! We search through all the new holiday movies on Netflix and watch them all! Then we get distracted and start watching Bollywood family movies. I know they aren't usually Christmas themed, but come on... They're amazing! My oldest son is now old enough to watch them and read the English subtitles. Needless to say, I'm about to have a Bollywood movie marathon with him!

Get a Christmas tree... CHECK

Pull the Christmas decorations out of storage and let the kids help set them up... Three broken ornaments and a wrestling match over the candy cane decorations... CHECK

Make jello salad.

Ok, this is probably the one Christmas tradition that is mine and mine alone. Growing up my family would make a yummy jello salad every year. It is amazing!When I was pregnant with Luke a few years ago, I made four jello salads in a two-week span. Don't judge. I'd blame the baby, but I probably would have done it anyway.The bad thing is my husband and ALL THREE OF MY BOYS hate it! They beg me not to make it and I just scoff. Like they could keep me from jello salad!

Go and look at Christmas lights with the kids.

My husband and I like to look up a fun neighborhood nearby and then we take the kids, with hot cocoa in hand, to check them out. We' have found neighborhoods that do fun Disney themes, have lights to "dance" around to music, and then the super-rich elaborately decorated houses.So fun!

Put together the kid's Christmas Eve box.

This is hands down, my favorite tradition every year. My grandma started this with my mom and aunts years ago. Every Christmas eve, we would open up a box with Christmas jammies! It was the only gift we could open before Christmas and then we'd all get into them and watch Christmas movies.Over the years, my hubby and I have tweaked it a bit. Now we add in slippers, a Christmas movie, and holiday-themed treats to go with the movie. I even put one together for Joel and I!Our Multiethnic Family's Christmas Bucket List

Start the Elf On The Shelf Shenanigan

The only thing I dread during the holidays is the f*&^*&^ Elf On The Shelf. My boys NEVER let us forget him. I always forget until I get the kids up for school and end up crazily running around trying to find a new spot for him to hide.Every year, I see the Pinterest parents putting together elaborate scenes with their eld, and I just laugh.

Somehow find a killer non-dairy, white hot chocolate cocoa recipe.

Hot cocoa is one of the biggest Christmas staples, but it brings up a bit of a problem in our house. My oldest and I are allergic to chocolate and recently discovered we can't have dairy.I refuse to give up hot cocoa, so I'm on the hunt for a non-dairy, white hot cocoa!If you know of one, please let me know!

Whip up a fusion feast fit for our multiethnic family!

Food is a big part of the holidays. Everyone is always thinking up what to make, pulling out family recipes, and eating way more than you thought possible.Our little family does the same thing, but with a twist. We make a BIG dinner on Christmas Eve! We make roast chicken, veggies, mashed potatoes... Oh yeah! We also make up Indian food to go with it! We make mine and my husband's childhood favorites! This year, we're even going to try our hand at biryani!

What are your family's holiday traditions?

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How To Feed A Big Family On A Budget

How To Feed A Big Family On A BudgetI remember finding out I was having my third little boy. We had been so excited to be pregnant again and just assumed it would be a girl. I mean statistics had to be on our side after two boys... right?My husband was out of town traveling for work and I couldn't wait for him to get back to hear the results of the ultrasound. I asked the ultrasound tech to write it on a piece of paper for me so I could FaceTime Joel and find out together.He was so excited when I called him. He couldn't wait to hear what I was about to tell him.I slowly opened the envelope, giving myself two full seconds before I could look at the paper. When I looked down, I couldn't believe what I was reading.BOY.Don't get me wrong. I would have been happy for a boy or a girl, I just couldn't believe it. I was so convinced the little baby growing inside of my belly was a boy. It hadn't even occurred to us that we could be having a boy. We even had a girl name picked out!I started to think maybe they were wrong. Maybe her little arm or foot was between her legs....Well, a few months later, I was greeted with one of the most beautiful little boys. They were right! It's funny to think back on because I can't imagine my little family any other way than it is now. I absolutely love having all boys! I love the chaos, the sword fighting, and even their wiggly nature.There is one thing, however, that everyone warned me about. It was always at the front of their minds when I told them I had three boys...


It was always in my mind, but they ease you into it first. When they were little, they were just little scavengers. They would see Joel and I eating, then sneak over to pick things off our plates. Then they started asking for snacks. Then they wanted seconds on meals...I've watched our grocery budget slowly get higher... and higher... and higher...Here's the deal. There's no way my kids were going to start eating less, so I knew I needed to do something. If I didn't, I was going to end up with three kids in high school and a grocery bill the size of my house payment!After enough complaining, my friends started telling me their tricks and tips for feeding their big families!How To Feed A Big Family On A Budget

How To Feed A Big Family On A Budget

Meal plan.

Meal planning has been all the rage for years... but have you ever jumped on the bandwagon? I didn't until I started seeing our groceries fly off the pantry shelves, freezer, and fridge. Now, I'm seeing just how necessary it is.Necessary or not, meal planning can be HARD!If you don't do it right, it becomes a bigger pain in the a*$ than the grocery bill itself! This is why you need to start small. Write down a list of meals for the week. Then do your best to keep with it.I typically write ours on our fridge. Then the kids and hubby can look at it in the morning and see if it sounds good. Most of the time they start switching meals around, but it still works! The main goal behind meal planning is to use what you have at home instead of going to the store for last minute little trips. I don't know about you but those last minute trips get us every time!


Buy in bulk.

Take a look around the house for a week or so and make a list of things you go through quickly. This might be paper goods, meat, bread, milk, etc. Then start buying those items in bulk at the beginning of the month.Now, rule number one when buying in bulk is to stick with things you KNOW you go through fast. Otherwise, you'll become a mild hoarder and have an endless trove of mustard and cheese instead of what you really need.We get most of our bulk items from Costco. It tends to be cheaper than anywhere else and the quality is great. You can also price check to other stores like Walmart and see which ones are cheaper.

Make freezer meals.

One of my favorite tricks in our house it to make a double batch for dinner. I make one for the day of and another portion to throw in a tin foil pan to keep for later. You're already going through the work of making one so why not throw in a few more ingredients to make more.These are amazing for busy school nights or end of the paycheck nights! It helps make your groceries last and takes some of the extra work out of it.


Prepare your own individual school snacks.

There was a brief time in my kid's life where I completely got rid of snacks. I was over this routine of spending hours in the kitchen making dinner and then being greeted with kids who weren't hungry.Over. It.Then I went "overboard mom" and got rid of all the snacks in the house. I decided it was better for the kids not to have them and eat all of their meals. The problem was we started sports and school. Snacks became a necessity once again.The problem with kid's snacks are they're freaking expensive! They make us believe pre-portioned snacks are worth the extra cost. Nope. We started buying snacks in bulk and them splitting them up into little snack bags ourselves. Way cheaper!

Shop online when you can.

I'm not sure if your kids are like mine, but the second they walk into a grocery store the "I want's" and the "Can't I have's" start up! They don't stop until they decide to give up the demands for the whining.All of this went away when I discovered online grocery! More and more grocery stores are offering the ability to order your groceries online and either pick up in front of the store or have them deliver it to you.Watch out for the hidden prices and fees. Some places offer it for free and others charge a pretty hefty price. Walmart grocery online pick up is free, but they charge for delivery. Costco offers a free delivery service through Insta-cart which is heavenly!Look around and see what your local grocery stores offer.

Get organized.

As you buy in bulk, you can start to lose track of what you have. Do your best to keep your freezer, fridge, and pantry organized. You can develop a system so you know where to look as well as clean it out often.I like to keep a freezer list. If you have a deep freezer like we do, it's hard to know what's at the very bottom. Keep an up to date list to help you figure out the best meal plan.


Last, but not least... This is the most important rule of all. Do not ever go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. You'll end up coming home with french bread, cinnamon toast crunch, donuts, and ice cream.While it might be nice the night you get home, shopping hungry always ends badly. Eat a big meal, make your meal plan, and then go shopping. This way you stick to your budget and your bank will thank you!

How do you keep up with your big family and keep costs down?

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Introducing Your Baby To Indian Food

Introducing Your Baby To Indian FoodOne thing I've learned about parenting is there are so many ways to do it. While we all think our way is best, it's not always the case. If you were to visit moms from around the world, you would see just how differently they raise their little ones. If you look a little closer to home, you'll still see big differences in parenting styles.What about food?A lot of moms think the only way to feed your kids is to start with the bottle, then rice cereal proceeded by vegetables, and ending up with table food. What if I told you that you could change it up a bit and make it more interesting and healthier for your kids?I introduced my children to Indian spices right away. When they were in the adorable squishy stage (you know the stage I'm talking about), I started them off with rice and butter. I added about 2 extra cups of water to the rice, so it soaked it all in and turned into more of a paste. Adding butter is a great way to sneak in dozens of vitamins and anti-oxidants into your child's diet.As they get a little older, we start adding in steamed vegetables and spices. Getting them used to different spices at a young age helps to get their palate used to it. Not to mention all of the health benefits them.


Turmeric is used in every single Indian dish. It's added to the base to add a rich color and people are becoming obsessed about it. A lot of health gurus are even recommending turmeric pills. Which of course my in-laws always laugh over and say people should all just start eating Indian food!Why is it so good for you? It's full of antioxidants, it's an anti-inflammatory, it helps reduce cholesterol, it's full of vitamin B, and has been said to help prevent cancer cells from growing.

Chili Powder

Before you skip over this section thinking I'm crazy, hear me out. Chili powder is full of antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, helps to detoxify the body, enhances your metabolism, rich in potassium, and adds delicious flavor!We started adding chili powder at a young age. We started extremely small and increased as they got older. Now, they eat dinner with the rest of us. While we may still make our meals a little milder, they love it and have a great pallet for spicy food. You could even add a little yogurt as well and counteract the heat, but keep all of the health benefits.


Yogurt is the number one item I recommend to all parents. Especially homemade yogurt because it's full of healthy bacteria your body needs to build up its defenses against infections. Often times, our kids end up on antibiotics frequently which kills off a lot of good bacteria. This helps them get it all back. It's also full of vitamin D, vitamin B, helps prevent high blood pressure, and helps build strong bones.Introducing Your Kids To Indian Food

Here are a few recipes you can try out and see what your kids think!

Carrot and Pea Curry

1/2 cup of peas1/2 cup of carrots1/4 tsp curry powderpinch of cinnamonCook your peas and carrots in about an inch of water until they are tender. When they are done spoon your vegetables into a blender. Add in your spices and pour a small amount of the water in from the saucepan until it almost covers the vegetables. Blend until everything is well combined and no chunks are remaining. If you would like to to be thinner, add 1/4 cup of water at a time.

Chicken Biryani

Pinch of cinnamonPinch garam masalaPinch of chili powder1/4 cup cooked chicken1/4 cup cooked rice1/2 cup chicken brothAdd the chicken, chicken broth, and spices together in a blender. Blend until the chicken is there are no chunks of chicken left. Add in your rice. Give the blender a few quick pulses, just enough to break the rice down a bit. You still want rice chunks in the baby food.What was the first solid food you gave your kids?

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How To Raise Bilingual Kids

How To Raise Bilingual Kids

One thing many multiethnic families are trying to figure out is how to teach their child multiple languages. Sometimes, it seems too hard, so parents drop a language. Most of the parents I've talked to that have done so regret it. They wish they would have taught their child to be bilingual from the very beginning.

What about you?

Are you teaching your child multiple languages? Are you nervous how to do it? Do you want some advice? If so, here are some tips to help your family raise bilingual children.

 How To Raise Bilingual Kids

Tips For Raising Bilingual Children

Start Young

Start talking to your child in both languages right away. People tend to think it will create confusion, but statistics are showing that children are more successful in learning both languages when they start young.

Family Agreement

You and your spouse need to be on the same page. It will be much more challenging to teach your child to be native in both languages if one of you wants to teach your child a second language and the other doesn't. When you're both on the same page, you'll be more proactive in teaching them.

Make A Plan

After you've made the decision, you need to make a plan. Every bilingual family looks different. While your child will be able to speak multiple languages, they could be dominant in one. You need to decide what your family wants. If you want your child to be native in both languages, your lifestyle will need to reflect this.

This could mean you ask family members to only speak their native language to your child and have them respond in the same language. Think about how you can make it happen and make a plan your whole family can follow.

Don't Panic

Take a deep breath and don't panic. Teaching your child to be bilingual takes time. They might start to mix languages or take a little longer, but it's ok. Encourage them as they go and don't rush them.

Learn your stuff

Read up on bilingual families. Look on Amazon or your local library to find resources and hear from other families just like yours. The more you can educate yourself on what to do, the more successful your child will be.

Make it fun

The worse thing to do is make it all a big chore. If you can make it fun for your children to learn both languages, they'll be more willing to put in the work. You can buy games in both languages, listen to music, get apps, and play memory games. Show them how fun it can be to learn!

Talk to your kids

One of the best ways to teach your child a language is to talk to them in it! You can go for a walk, go outside, or sit down over dinner and talk. Make sure you and your spouse plan times throughout your day to sit and chat.

It doesn't matter if you and your family members are big talkers or not, it's important to be intentional in increasing how much you talk with your child in both languages throughout the day.

Read out loud

Kids love when you take the time to sit and read with them. Regardless of how old they are read multiple books out loud to them every day. There are even bilingual book companies that want to help you! The top is English, and the bottom is the language you choose.

Do you have any questions or advice about how you can teach your bilingual children? If so, please comment and share with us!


Tips For Raising Bilingual Kids

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Family Family

High Protein Snacks For Athletic Boys

High Protein Snacks For Athletic Boys

I never realized just how much a little boy could eat.

Mom, can I have something to eat?Yeah, go and grab a piece of fruit from the fridge.MOM! I mean a snack!That is a snack.Not a good one! Please?! I'm starving!Fine! Go grab some crackers.Thanks mom... (10 minutes later) Mom. I'm hungry.)(#*)#*I've always known boys could eat their fair share of food. However, I didn't have the slightest clue to just how much freaking food one boy could put down.And I have THREE boys!It started out slow. Nursing here and there. Then they would go through stages where all they wanted to do was nurse. We ended up starting solid foods earlier and earlier with our kids because they were always hungry. That should have been the first sign to what big eaters I had on my hands.Now, I have a 3, 5, and 7 years old. Not to mention, they're all three in sports.

All. They. Do. Is. Eat.

With how much food they put down, they should each be about 1000 pounds. Instead, they run around constantly whether it be at home playing tag or on the sports fields. They never stop moving.At a recent check-up, my doctor even had the audacity to tell me one of my kids was getting lower on the growth chart. After I picked up my jaw from the floor I asked how that was even humanly possible.Obviously, I don't starve my kids. If anything I allow them to lead gluttonous lives! She told me I needed to look at what they were eating and try to up their protein. Things like crackers and bready foods may temper their hunger in the moment, but it's short-lived. They end up hungry within the hour searching the pantry like ravenous animals.I knew they would only get hungrier as the new sports seasons started up. It's caused me to take a long look at the foods I bring into the home. Granted, we're only looking at what the boys eat. I still have my hidden oreo gems stashed away where they'll never find them...The kid's food needed an upgrade. However, if your kids are anything like mine, you know getting them to eat anything healthy is a crock...If they even smell the health aspects of their snack, they flip out and lose their freaking minds. As the good parent I am, I trick them. I make a huge deal about the delicious snacks I let my kids have and keep the truth to myself.Here are some of the kid-approved, high protein snacks.High Protein Snacks For Athletic Boys

High Protein Snacks For Athletic Boys

CheesePepperoniPeanut ButterLunch MeatYogurtPeanut Butter SpoonsHard Boiled EggsTrail MixKeema and ChipsApples and Peanut ButterChips and GuacamoleCarrots and HummusSamosa HandpiesProtein ShakeChocolate MilkEnergy BallsBeef JerkeyFrozen Fruit Dipped in Greek YogurtMango Chia PuddingAvocado ToastHomemade LarabarsYogurt ParfaitMeatballs and BBQ Sauce

These are all the high protein snacks my sport's kids love and approve of.

I don't know how I convinced them to like avocado toast... I think they assume it's guac on toast and I'm taking COMPLETE advantage while they like it!You can't just offer nuts because they will suspect you're trying to give them something healthy. Add some chocolate chips to it and they think it's a big party!You simply need to find little ways to get them to eat yummy protein snacks. Another way my kids love it is when they make their own little bistro lunches or snacks. They load up their bistro box with different things and they LOVE it.Your kids will learn to eat what you have around. If you fill your home with crackers and junk food, they'll eat it... Just like I do every day. However, if you limit those to once and a while snacks, they will find things you have available.Make it fun! 

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How To Keep Up With Your Family's Laundry

How To Keep Up With Laundry For The Whole Family


Laundry has been my least favorite chore around the house since I was in high school. I would do anything to get out of doing it, but somehow my mom always made it MY chore.Now, I have three kids, one husband, and two dogs... this means I have A LOT of laundry to do each week. I always had great intentions to get it done right as I took it out of the dryer, but life would happen and it would end up tossed onto a couch or into my black hole of a closet.My whole family knew about the black hole in the closet. If they needed more clean clothes, they would begrudgingly walk to the closet. They knew they had a HUGE pile of clothes to look through and tried to do it quickly.I'd love to say it only lasted for a week, but... it was much longer than that. It was the one chore I just couldn't keep up with!Some weeks were better than others, but overall it was just overwhelming.Then this summer happened. I decided enough was enough and I wanted to get a handle on laundry. If I can become an EX LAUNDRY PROCRASTINATOR then you can too!How To Keep Up With Laundry For The Whole Family

If you're trying to keep up with laundry for your whole family, follow these simple steps.


Get rid of it all! Okay, maybe not all the clothes, but get skim down for everyone. Do your kids really need 20 shirts? Nope. Go through and get rid of clothes with stains, clothes they don't wear, and then throw a few more in the bag.

Put clothes in storage.

Separate all your clothes into seasons. Only keep out the clothes your kids are actually wearing all the time. Then you can put the rest in a plastic tub and store it for later.

Create a laundry system.

Find a system to make it all easier. I ordered a laundry hamper that separates all my laundry. I separate whites, my and my husband's darks, towels, my kid's darks, and bedding. This helps me to keep up with it all and actually wash everything.

Teach the kids to fold their own laundry.

As clothes come out of the dryer I like to separate them for my kids. I put each kid's pile on their bed. Then they get to take care of it. Depending on their age they can fold, hang up, or simply put in their drawer. It gives them a sense of independence and also helps momma out!

Do laundry the same day every week.

Create a schedule for yourself. Whether it be towels on Monday, kid's clothes on Wednesday... Find a routine that works out well for you and be consistent. Put it on your fridge or in your phone. Just do it.

Don't wait.

We've all forgotten about the clothes in the washer and ended up running it again... or maybe for a third time.. Stop the cycle!*Ha. Did you catch the pun? Mom joke? It's okay still proud!*The second the washer is done, put it in the dryer, then fold it right away!

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Bedtime Routine For Multiple Kids

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #RAMomSolutions #CollectiveBias

Bedtime Routine For Multiple Kids

I absolutely love spending time with my kids all day, but I don't think there's a mom out there who doesn't watch the clock as bedtime approaches. You either watch it because you can't wait to get a moment's peace or you know the "trauma" your bedtime routine brings about...I've been in both camps. There have been seasons where my kids HATED bedtime. They would do anything they possibly could to get out of going to sleep. The excuses would range from being constantly thirsty all the way to there's a monster in their closet. Then you deal with the crowd mentality when you have multiple kids. It's all contagious. All of your kids could be fine one moment and then losing their you know what the next. It only required one of your kids to mention the monster or how thirsty they are... Then they all start experiencing the same thing.I've even noticed that I'm able to predict how bedtime will go. I start watching them before I announce that it's bedtime and try to see how hyper they are, how sensitive they are, or just how much chaos is going on.I thought going to school would help. They were bound to be exhausted after a full day of school... Right? Wrong. It only ended up causing one kid to be exhausted while the others thought they were big enough to pull all-nighters!I end up scrambling at night trying to convince them to go to sleep, knowing full well they have to get up early the next morning...Is it possible for bedtime to actually go smoothly?YES!After about a week of craziness, I knew something needed to change. When your kids don't sleep well, you don't sleep well, and a tired momma ain't no one's friend!Bedtime Routine For Multiple Kids

Our Bedtime Tips and Routine

This bedtime routine has made a HUGE impact on how our evenings go. Our kids have learned our new routine and they even look forward to it after dinner.

Bath Time.

The first and most important part of bedtime is bathtime. I used to have my kids take a shower before school started, but it ended up taking FOREVER. Instead, we do bathtime at night because it helps them to calm down and get relaxed.Our oldest runs upstairs after dinner and starts the bath for him and his brothers. The new addition to our routine is JOHNSON'S® Calming Shampoo. I've always been a huge fan of JOHNSON’S® products for my kids because their products are made up of over 90% of naturally derived ingredients. They truly care about what we use for our kids and that matters to this momma.Not to mention it has a pump top! I don't know about you but I typically have my hands full and the new pump top makes it much easier to wash up the kids while I also play referee.Bedtime Routine With Multiple Kids

PJ's And Brush Teeth

Then my kids head over and get snuggled up in their PJ's and brush their teeth. They are obsessed with getting off the sugar bugs so I never have to beg them to brush their teeth! They even make me inspect their teeth when they're finished.

Set Out Clothes For Tomorrow

I let my kids pick out their own clothes for the next day. They love having the freedom to pick it all out and get it ready for school. Sometimes I help them find things that actually match and other times I let them live their best lives! Giving your kids little bits of freedom like this goes a long way.

Reading Lights On For The Big Kids

The big kids are allowed to read for thirty minutes while using their booklights. I don't think they've ever lasted the full thirty minutes but it also counts as the kid's school reading! That works right?

Set The Alarm

The last and final thing we do is set the alarm. The kids all take turns being able to set it and it lets them know when they can get up in the morning. Yes, I have early risers on my hands and they would get up at 4 am if I let them. I have to KEEP them in bed until 6 am. Having the alarm clock helps because they know to look at the time before they hop out in the morning.Bedtime Routine For Multiple Kids

What To Do Next

Create your own bedtime routine. Whether you use ours or start something new that fits your family well. Make it fun and stay consistent.You also need to head over to Rite Aid to pick up your own JOHNSON’S® baby products. They're our go-to stop! Everyone there is so friendly and they always make it a positive experience.Our favorites are COTTONTOUCH™ Wash & Shampoo, COTTONTOUCH™ Daily Face & Body Lotion, and JOHNSON'S® Calming Shampoo. The new Cottontouch products JOHNSON’S® has is amazing! They are specifically designed to be gentle enough on newborn skin and they don't leave a gross residue behind. I have kids with sensitive skin so that's huge for me. I need to know the products my kid are using are safe and natural.Don't forget to get your savings today! You can save $1 on any 1 JOHNSON'S® lotion, wash, or hair care item!

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Episode 6: Celebrating International Adoption With Tiffany

Celebrating International Adoption with Tiffany

Meet Tiffany!

Today we're chatting with Tiffany Bluhm! She is a wife, momma, Bible teacher, writer extraordinaire. I have been reading her blog and listening to her on podcasts for years now!After we recorded today's episode, we even realized our lives have collided in real life! A few years ago, my husband was at the She Speak's conference working, and Tiffany just so happened to attend. She was able to see my husband teaching at the conference and she had no idea that he was my husband until I mentioned where he worked. Not to mention, she currently lives in Seattle which is only a few hours away from where I grew up in the Pacific North West.A bit of background on Tiffany and her family... Tiffany is an East Indian women who is married to her wonderful husband. Together they are raising a beautiful multiethnic family with their two little boys. I love seeing how transparent they are as a family and it has been a huge encouragement to my family.

Today, Tiffany is sharing her family's story in adopting their little boy Jericho.

As an adopted woman herself, she had a heart for adoption. However, her and her husband had no idea how quickly they'd throw themselves into the process until it began. She knew she had to be 25 years old to adopt internationally... So what did they do? She and her husband filled out all the paperwork and sent it off on her 25th birthday!They pursued adoption in Uganda, and the process ended up taking them two years! Two years of waiting to bring their little boy home. They had originally set out to adopt two little ones, but complications prevented them from adopting one of the children.Tiffany and her husband spent four months in Uganda getting to know Jericho before they were able to bring him home. Jericho hit it off right away with his new family; however, the concept of daddy was foreign. Jericho ended up calling him uncle for a while at first because that's what he knew.One thing you need to know about Tiffany and her husband is they didn't walk into the adoption process blindly. Her background is in social justice, and she understood that adoption wasn't all rainbows and butterflies.

"Adoption is born our of loss, and there's no getting around that."

As a family, Tiffany and her husband walked alongside Jericho. They started the family mantra early on, "Family for the long haul." They wanted Jericho to know they were with him for the good and hard times.Shortly after arriving home, they put Jericho in trauma counseling. Tiffany knew how vital counseling would be for her son because he had strong memories growing up in Uganda and now creating a new home in the US.

This year the Bluhm's celebrated their 5th adoption anniversary with Jericho!

Over the last five years, they have learned what it means to be a strong family. This means talking... a lot! They talk about it all from Jericho noticing the last of diversity in books he reads to the diversity in his own family. They've walked through some difficult seasons a family, but they do it together.Tiffany says adoption has been the best decision of her entire life after marrying her husband. She knew it wouldn't always be easy, but also knew it would change her family for the better. She has grown as a person and has seen the blessing adoption has had on her life and family.Raising a multiethnic family means you will face unique challenges. Jericho is learning how to stand up against stereotypes and what he can do as a leader. He has a big heart to lead and that means he has a HUGE opportunity to make a change around him.


Tiffany's challenge for all of you is to research people who have been adopted and learn about them as a family. Did you know Superman was adopted!?

Head over and follow Tiffany today!

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Family Family

How To Connect With Your Kids After School

How To Connect With Your Kids After SchoolKeeping up with your kids during the school year can feel impossible. Find out how to connect with your kids after school with these fun ideas!Wake up, make breakfast, scramble to get kids ready, drop them off at school, fill your day with countless tasks, pick up the kids from school, make dinner, get the kids ready for bed, breathe, and repeat.I don't know about you, but I'm still trying to make sure the kids get clean clothes and breakfast every day. I feel like I'm on autopilot most of the time during the week. That doesn't always lead to a happy momma and it's not fair to my kids. I end up whipping them through their afterschool routine as quickly as I can so I can get everything done.By the time I lay down for bed, I regret not spending more time with them. I don't want my boys to think I don't make time for them. I also want to make sure I build strong relationships with my boys. I want to be the one they come to when they're going through something tough or when they had the best day and can't wait to share.Those relationships are built by the little moments that happen every day. It's the moment they see you put them first. The moment they spend doing something silly with you. It's all of it.Don't let the little moments pass you by.How To Connect With Your Kids After School

Turn everything off.

You may be an amazing multitasker, but your kids need to see that you care. They want quality time with you. Take time every day to turn it all off and put all of your attention on them.

Actually, LISTEN when they talk about their day.

We all ask how our kids days are, but how much do we actually listen when they tell us? It may mean thirty minutes of listening to them go on and on about lunchtime drama. The truth is we start to tune them out... I said it! I know I'm not alone. Use all the willpower you have in you to actually LISTEN! Then you can actually talk back. It matters to them.

Do something together.

Find something fun to do together. You can do something simple like let them help you make dinner or go on a fun after dinner walk. It doesn't have to take an hour. It can be 20 minutes, but make it count.

Sit at the table for family dinner.

Dinner time usually means the kids get dinner while I clean up. However, this year we're intentionally making everyone sit at the table for family dinner. Get this... AT THE SAME TIME. It's crazy.

Start a bedtime routine that matters.

What does bedtime look like in your home? Does it mean chasing kids down to get them in bed so you can finally have a minute to yourself? Start slow and create a new bedtime routine. Add in a little story or maybe a little dance off!How do you reconnect with your kids after they get home from school?

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Family Family

Be A Better Mom By Doing Less

Be A Better Mom By Doing Less

Be A Better Mom By Doing Less

As a mother, we're asked to be the caretakers, boo-boo doctors, chef, counselor, comforter, snuggler, the most imaginative voice for their stories, and their cheerleader. The job of a mom is so much bigger than I ever realized. Most of the time it feels like we're being pulled in a million different directions at every possible moment.I want to be the best mom I can be for my kids, but I don't know if I can ever be the mom people tell me to be. The one that's always on time, makes all homemade snacks, keeps my kids off video games, schedules countless play dates, keeps a consistent schedule, never yells, and is always patient.In fact... I know I will never be that mother.I used to feel bad about it. I felt like I was doing my kids a disservice by not being everything for them. Then I heard something at church this week that completely changed my way of thinking of myself as a mother.

"Do less by doing more." -Derwin Grey

Now, what does it mean? Our pastor was talking about our need to be productive and accomplish more all the time. The problem is we want to do it all but instead, we burn ourselves out. In the end, we're not doing any of it well. We start keeping track of all the countless things on our plates rather than looking at how well we actually execute them.

This is why we can do more by actually doing less.

I can be a better mom by doing less for my kids. I can choose a few things to work my butt off on, rather than everything. My kids don't care if I do every single thing for them.In fact, they love me for who I am. Even if that means they're saddled with a mom that is always behind on laundry, yells when she shouldn't, lets them play more video games than they should, and survives on copious amounts of caffeine.None of that matters to them because I'm also the mom that apologizes when I do things wrong, would rather spend time with them than live in a perfect house, and do my best to raise them with all the love in my heart.Stop letting the world tell you to do more for your kids. Stop listening to the lies that you're only a good enough mom if you do a, b, and c.

You are a great mom. You are enough.

This week, think of three things you want to rock. Then let the rest go. I promise the world won't end because your dishes have piled up in the sink. You won't ever look back on your life and regret the laundry you had to wash a few times in a row because you forgot.You're going to look back at your life and be grateful that you didn't allow life's expectations of a perfect mom burn you out.Your kids don't want perfection, they want you.

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Switching From Nap Time To Quiet Time

Switching From Nap Time To Quiet TimeNap time used to be a special time in our home. It used to be my moment of sanity where I could take my first deep breath all day. Then my kids started to get older. Nap time started to change for each of them.My oldest went from a two hour nap to sitting in bed the whole time,  begging to come out.My husband and I had to figure out what to do. I hoped Liam would just fall asleep, but no. Instead, his constant asking to get up would keep his brothers up. Then it hit us. Nap time had to change. The days of all three kids sleeping at the same time were over.We sat the boys down one night and told them nap times were changing and explained what they would look like.The younger two kept their nap times the same. They laid down while listening to an audible book and then could get up when it was over.

Momma Secret...

They never stayed awake until the book was done. They usually fell asleep about ten minutes in and I turned off their book when I could hear their snoring begin.The big change was for Liam. Instead of taking a nap he transitioned to quiet time.Liam lays down the same time his brothers do. Then he sets an hour timer. During quiet time he reads for 30 minutes and then he can play a video game on his iPad or keep reading until the timer goes off.Quiet time hasn't been as hard of a transition as I thought. Granted his brothers weren't thrilled about the idea, but they adjusted. Liam may be too old for a nap, but he still needs time during the day to calm down. It also gives momma sometime to herself.Are you about to transition to quiet time in your own home?They never stayed awake until the book was done. They usually fell asleep about ten minutes in and I turned off their book when I could hear their snoring begin. The big change was for Liam. Instead of taking a nap he transitioned to quiet time. Liam lays down the same time his brothers do. Then he sets an hour timer. During quiet time he reads for 30 minutes and then he can play a video game on his iPad or keep reading until the timer goes off. Quiet time hasn't been as hard of a transition as I thought. Granted his brothers weren't thrilled about the idea, but they adjusted. Liam may be too old for a nap, but he still needs time during the day to calm down. It also gives momma sometime to herself. Are you about to transition to quiet time in your own home?

Here are a few ideas that you can start to implement with your own quiet time.

Separate your kids so your "quiet timer" can have a space to themselves. This can be on the couch, in a guest room, or even at the kitchen table. Then you can choose what their options are during quiet time.

Reading Time.

Give your kiddo a few picture books to read in bed or get them started on a new chapter book.

Coloring Books.

Have a stash of coloring books in their quiet space so they can pick one and quietly color.

Listen to a book.

Our kids love listening to books. You can get them started on a fun Podcast or let them listen to an Audible book.

Arts and Crafts.

Do you have a crafter on your hand? Get out the craft supplies and let them put their creative juices to work.

Pretend Play.

Let your kiddo play with their favorite action figures or quiet toys.What does quiet time look like in your home?

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Family Family

Episode 5: Exploring Cultures Through Food

Exploring New Foods And Learning About Culture With Kids

Episode 5: Exploring Culture Through Food With Larisha

Meet Larisha!

Today we're chatting with Larisha from We're Parents blog. Larisha and I have been friends for a few years now and I love being able to talk with her about her journey of meeting her fiancè Andrew and raising two little girls. Her crunchy mom blog has slowly turned into a full blown food blog that will make you drool!Today, Larisha is sharing how she has explored her fiancè's culture through the kitchen. Now, her girls are just as excited about trying new foods as they are!


Try that one food from your partner's culture that you've avoided! Cow tongue anyone! Also, find someone in your partner's family and ask them to teach you how to make some of their favorite dishes!Share the process with Larisha and I!

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Momma's Quick Tip: How To Make Your Mornings Easier With Kids

Mom's Morning TipsI'm not sure about you guys, but mornings in our home can get a little Dr. Seuess... I mean kids sliding down banisters, dogs eating kid's forgotten breakfasts, half-naked kids, and exhausted parents. It gets crazy. You'd think summers would have made it a bit easier and my kids would be sleeping in.... but no. They are still waking up at the crack of dawn.This is exactly why I've tried to find a solution this summer. I have no desire for the craziness to continue into our new school year when we have even less time in the mornings. Nope.I need it better now.I did it. I found out a little trick that has been helping our mornings go much smoother! I taught my kids an independent routine in the mornings. It sounds simple enough, right?Here's what it looks like.Children's Morning Chore ListAs soon as my kids roll out of the bed in the morning, they go to their chore charts. Here is where we got ours --> Chore Chart. Then my oldest helps everyone read the first step.

Make Beds.

The first thing they need to do is make their beds. It's one less thing to do later and it teaches them a great habit. Sometimes the little one needs help and they know everyone's beds need to be made. Instead of letting him fend for himself, they help each other.Mom's Tips For An Easy Morning

Eat Breakfast.

I learned an amazing recipe from the Free Cheap Or Fun blogger herself. She taught her kids to make scrambled eggs in the microwave and it's a hit in our house! My oldest gets all the coffee mugs ready and makes his brothers eggs in the morning.He sprays the mug, cracks two eggs, whisks until his heart is content, and then pops it in the microwave for 1 minute and 20 seconds. Done.They love eggs so this fills their little tummies until I get up and make them pancakes or oatmeal.Mom's Tips For An Easy Morning

Brush Teeth.

After breakfast, they all saunter upstairs to brush their teeth. Yes, I have to put that on their charts otherwise all their teeth would fall out of their little heads. They always try and skip brushing their teeth. This way they have to get it done to be done with chores for the day.

Clean Room.

It doesn't matter how often they clean their room, it's always a mess. I love having them start off their day with a clean room. I feel like it starts our day off smoothly and with the least amount of stress.By cleaning it often, it makes cleaning it up throughout the day much easier! Instead of an entire day's worth of mess, it's just a few hours.

Extra Chores.

This is the time for each kiddo to do their special chore. Some of these chores change each week to keep it exciting. Yes, my kids are still at the point that they're excited about chores and I plan to live it up as long as humanly possible.If you're trying to figure out what chores to give your kids, you can head over here for age-appropriate chore lists ---> Chore List.Once all the chores are done for the morning, my boys can watch a show. It's a great motivator because what child doesn't want to watch morning cartoons. Instead of watching it all morning, I make my kids earn it.By the time the whole house is awake and getting started for the day, we have a calm and peaceful home. I need all the peace and calm I can find with three boys. I've found by starting this routine, we've all started our day happier and there's been less fighting.The kids work together to finish up so they can watch their morning show. Obviously, some days are better than others. I simply remind them they all need to finish their chores to be done. It pushes them to encourage each other and offer to help when the little one needs a bit of a push.

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Episode 4: Embrace The Chaos

The Almost Indian Family Podcast

Join us for our first episode in our new series... Coffee and Chai!

Along with our interviews, Joel and I thought it would be fun to start a series where we just chat! We're going to answer your questions, show you a little glimpse into our lives, and maybe even let you know how crazy we are!Get yourself a cup of coffee or chai and join us this week as we talk about what it looks like to raise three boys under seven years old.

Products and links we mentioned:

Paul Tripp Parenting Book


Embrace the chaos in your life!

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What To Expect When Coming To Our Boy Filled Home

One of the reasons Joel and I have worked so hard on fixing up our home is that we love having people over. We love hosting Indian dinners with our friends and welcoming new people in.However, I’m always quickly reminded how crazy our family is. We all have a little crazy in our family, but let me tell you... I have three boys under 7 years old. Crazy doesn’t begin to cover it.When people come over I feel like I need to warn them. Especially if they "A" don’t have kids or "B" only have girls. They need to be ready for it all because things will get crazy and you’ll never want to leave.

our life with boys

If you come over to our house be ready for.....

A full on Nerf gun battle.

You better be able to hold your own because they can smell weakness. You also have to have eyes in the back of your head so you can see when they switch out the nice nerf bullets for sharp and hard items. True story.

The kids to take it to far.

If you give in and play with our kids be ready for them to take it to far or never want to stop. You’re working them up so you better expect it! Be the boss and find your voice when you’re done.

Non stop snacking.

Little boys are never full. They snack all day long and it only gets worse as they get bigger. Even if you come to our house for dinner, you're going to see our kids eat fist, second, and third dinner. All little boys have an inner hobbit that they have to feed.

Huge imaginations.

There isn't anything like a little boy's imagination. It's never ending and it can take you to places you never imagined. You will get to see our kids turning their forks into planes, their bedrooms into lava filled caves, and the couch into a boat that's taking them to safety. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

A lot of noise.

It’s never quiet in our home. Our kids have one voice inside and outside. We remind them about five dozen times a day but even their whispers are freaking loud. If it does get quiet you better run because they’re getting into something!

Bathroom mysteries.

Okay, it's not really a mystery. Boys simply don't flush. It doesn't matter that I've asked them hundreds of times. It doesn't matter that it's disgusting. They're simply in such a hurry that they "don't have time" to flush the toilet when they're finished using it.

Best friends.

Our kids don’t just like having people over. They love it. If you play your cards right you’ll become auntie and uncle status before you know it and they’ll become your little buddy. They’ll have your back forever and never forget all the times you played with them.

To sum it up, you will never get bored when you come to our house...

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Road Trip Travel Hacks

Road Trip Travel Hacks

Road Trip Travel Hacks

Growing up our family went on quite a few road trips. We drove everywhere. We’d go to the beach, the lake, friends houses, visit family, and go on adventures. IT wasn’t until I had kids that I realized why we drove everywhere.It’s freaking expensive to fly the whole family! It wasn’t as bad at first because babies fly free. As soon as they turn two, life changes again and now you have to fork out a few hundred dollars for them.As a family of five, you can imagine how expensive it gets....So road trips here come. Buckle up kids and get ready for an entire day in the car! Prepare for constant bickering with your brothers on how much they touch you or the fact that they’ll try to eat all your snacks. Excited!?The funny thing is none of that matters to my kids. They love road trips! They love looking out their window and seeing all the new places, bugging each other, and watching movies on their iPads.At least my hubby and I have slowly figured out a few road trip hacks to surviving family road trips.Road trip travel hacks

Pack light.

The assumption when traveling with kids is to BRING IT ALL. Don’t do it! As a parent you’re the in-house pack mule and carrying it all is a nightmare. Bring the essentials and let each kiddo bring ONE special toy. Being a minimalist for a few days won’t hurt them.

Pack a cooler with snacks.

We recently picked up these coolers for the kids, and they’re a lifesaver! We load them up with snacks, and it keeps them cold. It cuts down on stops, and it keeps them busy.

Get something novel.

Novel is key on a road trip. If you have a DVD player you can get a new movie from the discount section, or you can get a little activity book. Pull it out halfway through your trip when your kids are getting restless.

Plan 1-2 stops where the kids can get out and stretch their legs.

The goal of road trips is to get to your destination fast, but planning at least one stretch your legs time will help. I don’t mean a potty break either. Find a rest stop and play a game of tag. Let them run and get their wiggles out.

What are your road trip hacks?

Packing for a road trip

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